浙江欣奕华智能科技有限公司浙江欣奕华智能科技有限公司 Zhejiang Sineva Intelligent TechnologyCo.,Ltd. 展位号Booth Number:A23 Company PR Contact Name and TelephoneNumber/Email-address 联系人信息: 姓名:李洋 电话:18600441622 邮箱地址:liyang@sineva.com.cn Contact: Name: Li Yang Tel: 18600441622 E-mail:liyang@sineva.com.cn 公司简介Company Profile 浙江欣奕华致力于成为国际领先的“空间人工智能技术+”提供商,基于多年泛半导体行业智能设备研发、制造经验和智能机器人业务实践积累,人工智能事业群立足空间人工智能技术,突破移动智能体场景认知限制,率先以移动机器人和清洁机器人为载体,实现空间人工智能技术在智慧物流和智慧生活场景下的应用,助力工商业服务伙伴实现数字化、智能化升级,以及家庭智能生活方式的转变。
Zhejiang Sinevawas committed to becoming the world's leading provider of "space AItechnology+". Based on years of experience in the research andmanufacturing of intelligent equipment, the artificial intelligence businessgroup had broken through the limitations of mobile agent scene cognition. Ourteam had achieved the application of space AI technology in smart logistics.Thishelped many business partners achieve intelligent upgrading. partners torealize digital and intelligent upgrading, as well as the transformation ofsmart lifestyle in families. digital and intelligent upgrading, as well as thetransformation of family intelligent lifestyle.
拟展示产品或服务名称Description of the Productand Service 复合机器人 Composite robot