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Barry Silverstein




Advancing the Human-Computer Interface Through The Development of Polarization Volume Hologram and Etched Silicon Carbide Waveguides


Juergen Daleiden




Advancements in Display Driver Semiconductor Technology: Shaping the Future of Visual Experiences


Yusin Lin



Applied Materials


Revolutionizing OLED Display Manufacturing with MAX OLED Solution













Barry Silverstein:个人简介

Barry Silverstein 是 Meta 现实实验室(Reality Labs)光学与显示研究部门的高级总监,负责领导 VR 和 AR 领域前沿显示技术的开发。他专注于打造全球最小且最高效的视觉成像系统,不断突破技术和商业化的极限。

在加入 Meta 之前,Barry 曾担任 IMAX 的高级研究总监,并凭借发明和推广 IMAX 激光(IMAX with Laser)技术荣获科研与技术学术奖,使标志性的 IMAX 体验得以呈现在全球最大屏幕上。

此外,他在Kodak研究实验室拥有 28 年的工作经验,拥有 98 项美国授权专利,是激光投影、成像/打印、空间成像和光学记录领域的资深专家。他毕业于罗切斯特大学光学研究所(Institute of Optics, University of Rochester),是光学与显示技术领域的杰出先驱。

Barry Silverstein:摘要

Advancing the Human-Computer Interface Through The Development of Polarization Volume Hologram and Etched Silicon Carbide Waveguides

Augmented Reality (AR) is poised to revolutionize human-computer interaction by seamlessly integrating digital elements onto our physical world. To realize this vision, it is crucial to develop displays that blend effortlessly with reality, maintaining a compact form factor without obstructing the user with artifacts or perceptual mismatch. Although progress has been made, further breakthroughs in Optics, OptoElectronics, and Photonics are essential to meet the rigorous requirements of size, quality, efficiency, and cost. Polarization Volume Holograms present a promising solution, offering high image quality, minimal light leakage, and high efficiency through a cost-effective and scalable fabrication process. However, achieving a wide field of view is vital for creating effective digital overlays onto the real world. Silicon Carbide emerges as a lightweight, and durable material with a high refractive index, enabling a wide field of view with minimal rainbow artifacts. This talk will explore these waveguide technologies as integral components in the journey towards a new era of human-computer interfaces.

Juergen Daleiden:个人简介

Juergen 在半导体行业拥有超过 28 年的经验。他于 1994 年开始从事 III-V 族光学 MEMS 研究,曾在德国的多家弗劳恩霍夫研究所(Fraunhofer)以及瑞典皇家理工学院(KTH)工作。

2003 年,他加入Infineon Technologies,负责 110nm 至 70nm DRAM 技术的深槽工艺模块开发,并主导多个技术转移项目。

自 2009 年起,Juergen 加入GlobalFoundries,领导多个全球跨学科项目,涵盖 55nm 至 22nm 技术。作为 Fab1 工艺整合与良率部门的负责人,他曾在工厂量产爬坡阶段管理超过 600 人的团队。自 2024 年起,他接管全球特色工艺 CMOS 产品线的研发工作,该业务占GlobalFoundries总收入的约 45%。

Juergen Daleiden:摘要

Advancements in Display Driver Semiconductor Technology: Shaping the Future of Visual Experiences

In this talk, we will explore the latest innovations in display driver semiconductor technology that are revolutionizing the way we experience visual content. As display resolutions increase and refresh rates soar, the demand for high-performance display drivers has never been greater. We will discuss the key advancements in semiconductor materials, design architectures, and manufacturing processes that enable enhanced performance, energy efficiency, and integration with emerging display technologies such as OLED and microLED. Additionally, we will examine the challenges faced by the industry and the future trends that will shape the next generation of display driver solutions. Join us for an insightful discussion on how these technologies are paving the way for richer, more immersive visual experiences across various applications, from consumer electronics to automotive displays.

Yusin Lin:个人简介

Yusin Lin 是应用材料公司(Applied Materials)OLED 图案化事业部的 OLED 研发负责人。他是 MAX OLED 解决方案的共同发明人,并主导其研发工作,包括全新的 OLED 像素架构、工艺流程及一体化设备解决方案。

在 2018 年加入应用材料公司之前,他自 2008 年起担任友达光电(AUO)的 OLED 研发负责人,领导研发团队开发 LTPS、氧化物 TFT 及 OLED 技术,应用于折叠屏、车载显示、电视及照明领域。在此之前,他曾担任友达光电 TFT-LCD 生产工厂的副总监。

Yusin Lin:摘要

Revolutionizing OLED Display Manufacturing with MAX OLED Solution

The display industry is going through a major technology transformation.   After more than two decades of LCD dominance, OLED adoption is growing.   In smartphones, OLEDs have already exceeded 50% market penetration.   Now panel and set makers are focused on increasing OLED adoption in larger screens such as tablets, notebook, monitors, and, eventually, TVs. So far adoption in these larger screens has been slow, because of challenges to scale up the fine metal mask (FMM) technology that is used in mobile phones to large glass substrates.   At the same time, the blanket-layer OLED technologies have achieved very limited adoption in TVs because they are too expensive and do not perform as well as true RGB OLED.   

To help solve these problems and to accelerate OLED adoption in all screen sizes, Applied Materials, has developed the MAX OLED Solution. The MAX OLED™ solution enables OLED display manufacturing on larger glass panels, bringing the superior display technology found in high-end smartphones to tablets, PCs and TVs.   It provides patented OLED pixel architecture and a dramatically different manufacturing approach to improve all types of OLED displays, making them even brighter, clearer, more energy-efficient and longer-lasting.   The integrated system combines the OLED deposition and encapsulation technologies needed to mass-produce superior OLED displays.

In this presentation, I will discuss the technology inflections in the industry and how Applied’s enabling technologies, including the MAX OLED Solution, will catalyze the large area OLED wave.






王琼华,教育部长江学者特聘教授、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才、国际信息显示学会、美国光学学会、国际光学工程学会、中国光学学会和光学工程学会会士、PhotoniX等期刊编委和国家重点研发计划等项目负责人。研究方向为显示与成像技术。研制了裸眼光场3D显示器、全息3D显示系统、液体透镜和连续光学变焦显微镜等。以第一完成人获得2023年度国家技术发明二等奖和省部级科技一等奖,获准近200件美国和中国发明专利,出版科学出版社书籍3部,发表SCI收录论文350余篇。1988-2001年在电子科技大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位,1995-2001年在电子科技大学任助教、讲师和副教授,2001-2004年在美国中佛罗里达大学光学学院任Research Scientist,2004-2018年在四川大学任教授和博士生导师,2018年至今在北京航空航天大学任教授和博士生导师。


